Parish Council Meetings
Weasenham Parish Council meetings are usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at Weasenham Community Building, commencing at 7pm. In addition to these meetings, the council may meet separately to discuss matters such as budget setting, or to address issues that arise throughout the year.
Agendas for all meetings will be published on the Parish Council notice boards, located at Lamberts Close and Massingham Road, and on this website a minimum of three clear working days before the meeting that they relate to.
Minutes are taken at each meeting and are formally agreed by Councillors (at the following meeting) that they are a true and accurate record of the meeting and any decisions made in it. The agreed minutes are then published on this website.
Weasenham Parish Council
Green Charity and Former Highway Charity meeting dates 2025
January Tuesday 21st
Ordinary Parish Council – 7pm
Green Charity – 6.30pm
March Tuesday 18th
Ordinary Parish Council – 7pm
Former Highway Charity – 6.45pm
May Tuesday 20th
Annual Parish Assembly - 6.30pm &
Annual Parish Council meeting – 7.00pm
Green Charity – 6.00pm
July Tuesday 15th
Ordinary Parish Council -7.00pm
Former Highway Charity – 6.45pm
September Tuesday 16th
Ordinary Parish Council – 7.00pm
Green Charity – 6.30pm
November Tuesday 18th
Ordinary Parish Council – 7.00pm
Former Highway Charity -6.45pm
All council meetings are open to the public unless a very special reason is given by Councillors for privacy. The public are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself however, Weasenham Parish Council does allow time at the beginning and at the end the meeting for the public to speak and ask questions of the Councillors.
You may record any part of the meeting which is open to the public via any recording mechanism, so long as it does not disrupt the meeting.