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Tom McClenaghan

Vice Chairman


telephone number

Martin Romanovsky



Jackie Hargreaves

Parish Councillor

Jackie Hargreaves has been co-opted onto the Weasenham Parish Council with immediate effect from Tuesday 17th October 2023.

Welcome Jackie. 

Jenny Tidman

Parish Councillor

Jenny Tidman has been co-opted onto the Weasenham Parish Council with immediate effect from Tuesday 26th November 2024.


“Opening Statement by Weasenham’s Newly Appointed Parish Council 18th May 2023


 A message from the new Parish Councillors
 We fully understand and acknowledge that there have been, and probably still are, tensions and frictions within our community. In that respect, it is no different from many other communities across the country. We also acknowledge that some decisions have been made in the past that didn’t sit easily with everyone, but again, that’s not unusual in any walk of life.

 As your new councillors, we are seeking to ‘look forward’ in all that we do rather than be held back by old issues that may never be fully resolved for everyone.   We hope to be able to put all our energy and experience into improving facilities and responding to the current and emerging needs of the community without having to comment on, or to be involved in, previous disputes that has sapped so much goodwill.  In this we ask for a new and positive response from everyone in the parish to fully support us as we work on your behalf to build a better future for the village. 

Our individual and combined aim is to always be forward looking.  Mindful to avoid errors, we will do everything in our power to serve you well. We will try not to make important decisions that impact you, without first seeking your views, wherever possible. We fully appreciate that we are here as your voice to organise and facilitate positive actions for the benefit of everyone in the parish.    

 But what we all need to do from this point onwards is refrain from negativity and stop looking backwards. Instead, we should try to bury old tensions and disagreements and look forward with a positive view to improve what is already a very good community. In short, we all need to work together.

We would like to thank the interim Parish Council for all their work over the past year which has resulted in the resolution of many issues. This now enables us as a new Parish Council to move forward ideally with no need to look back at the past”

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